Gene Slowinski is the Director of Strategic Alliance Research at the Graduate School of Management, Rutgers University and Managing Partner of the Alliance Management Group, a consulting firm devoted to the formation and management of strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions. Prior to forming the Alliance Management Group, he held management positions at AT&T Bell Laboratories, and Novartis Corporation. In addition to a Ph.D. in Management, Gene holds an MBA, and a Masters Degree in the sciences. He is a member of Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Technology Commercialization Advisory Board
For the last 25 years Dr. Slowinski has consulted and conducted research on the formation and management of strategic alliances, joint ventures, mergers, and acquisitions. His clients include GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Lucent Technologies, Motorola, Johnson & Johnson, Ethicon, ExxonMobil, General Mills, Eastman Chemical, Kraft, Becton Dickinson, and many other Fortune 500 firms. An author and lecturer, Gene has presented his work to The Conference Board, the Licensing Executives Society, The Industrial Research Institute, and The American Electronics Association. His articles on managing strategic alliances can be found in Business Horizons, Research*Technology Management, Mergers and Acquisitions, Economic Development Quarterly, Les Nouvelles, Cooperative Strategies in International Business, The Journal of Advanced Management, and Managing the High Technology Firm. With Matt Sagal, he co-authored the book The Strongest Link. His newest book, Reinventing Corporate Growth is the leading book on growing the corporation.
Gene is active in the technology management community. He is a member of the Industrial Research Institute’s Research-on-Research Committee, and the Technology Management Research Center at Rutgers University. In addition, he is on the Board of Directors of Advanced Adjuvants LLC.
Gene brings senior level executive experience yet is unafraid to ‘get his hands dirty.’ He has seen it all – the good, bad and ugly – and can help you deal with tough alliance, acquisition, and technology management issues. Whether you’re looking to form new partnerships, fix current ones, exit altogether, or integrate processes and people post-merger/acquisition, Gene is your guy. His humility and sense of humor don’t hurt either!
Articles/Videos/Free Downloads
- Allocating Risks And Rewards In Collaborative Agreements Using The Financial Structure
- Good Practices in Open Innovation
- Making Open Innovation Alliances Pay Off: 5 Keys to Success
- Quick Start Kit
- Reports
- Self-Assessment Tools
Services offered:
- Phone consultations
- Assessments
- Training/Coaching (inhouse and virtual)
- Custom consulting